Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Days 14-22

14 - Old Movies - Kevin and I love watching old movies!  We watch a lot of Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart, as well as old Jack Lemmon films.  I think most movies today have become very simple, even boring sometimes, and I love the plotlines from back in the day.  Plus hair, makeup, and wardrobe was way more interesting back then.  And you often get a little bit of history mixed in with the flick!

15 - My cleaning lady - I used to think a stay at home mom should have no excuse for a messy house.  Surely if I don't go to work, I ought to have a spotless house and dinner on the table at the same time every night, right?  Wrong.  I can't do it all, and cleaning is one thing that I am glad to pass on to someone else!  This affords me more time to focus on being a mommy, as well as a little time to relax rather than clean when I actually have a free moment.  It took me a long time to accept that I can't be perfect at everything, and to justify having some help.  But, I am glad I did, and grateful for my cleaning lady!

16 - Down time - There is something to be said for playdates, Little Gym, MOPS, volunteering, etc.  But, really, I find that not only do my children get overwhelmed easily, so do I!  It is so nice to have some downtime during the week, a day or two just to stay home and veg.  We recently dropped Little Gym from our busy lives, and while I miss it already, I am grateful we are not in a mad rush to get out the door, work against Emma's naptime, and then hurry home to eat lunch and make sure Grace gets down for her nap.  Little Gym's schedule just wasn't working with ours, and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to Wednesdays being a little less stressful.  My kids are happy campers when they are not over-stimulated, as am I.  

17 - Good friends for Grace, good mommy friends for me - Grace is a very social little girl.  She loves playing with others, and we are blessed to have gotten to know some great friends her age.  I love the bond that has been created between us mommies, too, making playdates a fun time for me, as well!  Today "Friend Ship" came to play, and I love watching the interaction between Grace and Shipley, they are so cute and sweet to each other.  And of course, "Mommy Ship," also known as Jacquelynn, has become a dear friend to me, too. 

18 - New bed - Well, I am an insomniac with a toddler and an infant (need I say more...they wake up sometimes!) who has been sleeping in a defective bed.  Very bad combination!  Today I am thankful that Macy's measured and found our 2 year old bed to be a lemon and brought us a brand new one.  I am so thankful I can lay down in comfort tonight. 

19 - Helpful little hands - Grace really enjoys helping me with most things, but especially baking and cooking.  In fact, she about has a cow when I have made a meal without her.  I am thankful, though, for her interest in not only spending time with me, but taking on responsibilities and doing "grown up" chores.  Very cool!

20 - Sunshine - Well, it is November.  And a week of rain is in the forecast.  So, I am thankful for an opportunity to hang out at the park, wear my sunglasses, and make it into the store without getting drenched today. 

21 - Seeing compassion in my 2 year old - Today when we made our weekly visit to see the Alzheimer's patients, we took them some homemade pumpkin bread (that Grace, of course, helped bake).  She was so excited to pass out the napkins as I came along behind her and passed out bread slices.  As we were eating and visiting, one of the ladies came to the room a little late.  Grace put her own bread down, jumped up and grabbed a napkin and eagerly took it to her.  I wasn't moving quick enough, so Grace came and tugged at me and said "That lady needs bread, Momma."  I was so impressed that she walked away from her own bread (something she LOVES!) to take care of someone else's needs.  If that isn't compassion, I don't know what is. 

22 - Pediatrician and modern medicine! Well, after almost a month of not sleeping due to what I thought was Emma teething, I finally decided to take her to the doctor.  I had a hunch they were going to send me home without anything further they could do.  But, I also had a hunch something more may be wrong.  I am thankful I trusted my instinct to go, and thankful for a wonderful pediatrician who my girls just love.  A quick diagnosis of a double ear infection, a prescription for antibiotics, and we were on our way.  Here's to modern medicine! (And hopefully some sleep tonight!). 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankfulness Days 11-13

11.  Veteran's - Today being Veteran's Day makes it hard not to think about and feel gratitude toward the men and women serving, and who have served, our country.  Though I consider myself something of a pacifist, it is because we have freedom, for which these men and women have fought, that I get to believe and express my views on war.  While I love peace, I do as well love our veterans for serving our country and making it a free place to live.

12.  Toddler Talk - I love love love all the funny things Grace comes up with and says.  I appreciate her effort to talk clearly and to use her enormous vocabulary.  One of the things I am thankful for, though, is some of her struggles to form the right sounds at the right time.  It means she is still sort of a baby, and still has a lot to learn.  One of my favorite things right now is when she sings "Where is Thumbkin," only she can't quite say "thumbkin," so it comes out, "Where is Fukkin, where is fukkin, here I am...."  The first time she belted the song at the top of her lungs I about died from laughter.  She has no clue that she is not saying it correctly, or what that word means, and I love the innocence in that.  I also love the humor!

13.  Photographs - Just now, Kevin was scrolling through some old pictures on the computer.  We came across a trip we took to Yellowstone about eight years ago.  I love to look at our past and see how far we've come - obstacles we have encountered, triumphs we have celebrated, etc.  At the time of these pictures, we were not even thinking about marriage or what our long term future together looked like.  It was fun to think about how we were building a foundation to something we didn't even know would exist.  And years from now, we will look at pictures from today and reflect on where we came since then.  Pretty amazing the feelings and gratitude a simple photograph can create!
Yosemite, 2005

Disneyland, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Days of Thankfulness

I have been noticing so many people posting what they are thankful for on Facebook, and I decided to jump on the bandwagon.  I'm a few days behind, but I am prepared to make my list of 10!  Here goes....

1.  The sense of sight - Fall gives us the gift of beauty at almost every turn.  I am so thankful to be able to see beautiful sunsets peeking through dark clouds, bright leaves covering the sidewalk, and the autumn sun brightening up our afternoons.

2.  My health - I love that I am in good health and enjoy living an active, healthy lifestyle.  This is not only something I am thankful for for me, but that I am able to pass it on to my girls. 

3.  The opportunity to stay home with my babies - Some days I may not appreciate this as much as others, but I am a lucky duck that I get to watch them grow, learn, and enjoy each and every day.  I don't know how I would get through the day if I was constantly wondering what they were doing, if they were happy,  whether or not they ate their lunches or had good naps.  I get to see it all for myself and adjust our day accordingly.  This means the world to me and I believe really contributes to their happiness (of which there is plenty!).

4.  The terrible two's - Just when I think Grace is going to drive me to drink, I catch a small glimpse of temper tantrums and behavior problems from other children, for example in the pediatrician's waiting room, and realize I have nothing to complain about.  My child is no saint, but she is far from a terror.  Today I took the time to appreciate the fact that she is normal and going through all sorts of necessary behavioral, cognitive, and physical milestones.  Being two is tough work, and she is handling it like a champ!

5.  Good friends - The ones that have really stuck by me, and have cared for me no matter what.  I have friends who have supported me through all sorts of ups and downs at various seasons of life.  Since becoming a mom, my circle of friends has changed somewhat, but I am blessed to still have some truly wonderful friends in my life that aren't "mommy friends." They somehow understand my crazy schedule, my unavailability a lot of the time, and my need to always put my family first, and they still call me a girlfriend and are still there for me no matter what, even when I have to bail at the last second because I am sleep deprived or feeling like taking a shower to get out the door is too overwhelming.  For them I am so thankful.  And for all of my friends who are parents - the ones that I can share day to day kid struggles with, relate with and learn from on how to be a better mom or just how to make it through the day, I am truly thankful for them, as well.  I have made some amazing friends in motherhood!

6.  Drugs.  Not the bad kind.  Infant Tylenol, to help with teething and aches and pains from getting a shot - that kind!

7.  The Alzheimer's patients the girls and I visit every week.  For about the last year, I have been volunteering with them, and each week we are blessed to give them company, a little toddler entertainment, sometimes a homemade treat, and a lot of love.  They really give me a lot of perspective on how precious life is, as well as how important it is to give when and how you can.  It sometimes feels like a rather small gesture, but I know I am teaching my kids the beauty in giving of yourself.  For that 45 minutes each week, nothing is more important than bringing smiles to their aging faces, and nothing seems to do that better than a couple of cute little kids!  They don't seem to mind me either, :)

8.  My brothers - How cool is it that we grew up so spread out in age, yet call ourselves friends today?  I am so thankful for Danny and Brian, for the supporting and loving brothers that they are, as well as the outstanding uncles they have become.  Grace loves her uncles so much, and that is so special to me.  I love how Grace still calls Brian Uncle Bups, and tonight when she watched Sesame Street, the letter of the day was B....for Bups!  So, she immediately had to call him and tell him.  She was so disappointed to get his voicemail, but she will be happy to hear from him when he calls back - and he always does.  Danny and Grace have developed a connection through food, which only seems fitting given his culinary background.  Maybe it's his height (or as he claims, look at any picture and you will see for yourself...), but mention "big and strong" and Grace immediately starts talking about Uncle Danny.  So, he has been super helpful in talking to Grace over many lunchtime and dinner phone conversations about what he eats to make him big and strong....and wouldn't you know it, my child is now eating carrots, broccoli, chicken, and even brown rice.  Never thought this day would come.  At any rate, I cherish the relationship I have with my brothers as well as the one I see between my daughters and my brothers.  I love how much they love each other, and that my brothers have held and loved their nieces from day 1, and I can see in their eyes they wouldn't trade those precious moments with the girls for anything.  And I love that we always end our conversations with "I love you."

9.  The art of communication - I used to be awful at talking, I still am at times.  But, I love the evolution and safety that I have experienced and learned, mostly from my husband, over the last decade or so.  I do not always succeed at getting my point across in the most eloquent of ways, but I have learned that it is important to at least get my point across.  Lack of communication creates major barricades in any type of relationship, and I strive to keep those barricades out of my life.  I'm thankful that I have learned the importance of this. 

10.  My mom! How do I sum up all the ways I am thankful for my mom?  Well, it's just not possible, so I will say this:  She is a beautiful woman who gives to others with no expectations of anything in return.  She puts her family and her friends on a pedestal and lets them know how much she cherishes them.  Her granddaughters love her and never lose excitement over seeing their Nana.  My mom encourages me as a mom, is there for me as a friend, and is always available for me.  And for some reason, I just need to mention that she is an amazing cook! :)  I love my mom and all of the hard work she put in to raising us, and all the hard work she still puts in to being our mom!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Fun

Fall is in full swing, and I have to say I love being cozy while it's blustery outside.  Tonight is mild and pleasant, but am I crazy when I say I love the wind and rain?!  A true Seattle girl, born and raised! 

I really thought once summer was over things would slow down, but that hasn't seemed to have happened yet.  Nevertheless, we are having fun.  Yesterday we visited the pumpkin patch with Nana Carolyn in tow.  What a blast!  Grace picked out pumpkins for her and Emma, and she loved eating fresh donuts and corn on the cob.  She also had a fun time looking at the farm animals and scarecrows. 

Some fun milestones that Grace has recently reached include calling us by our first names.  The occasional "Stephanie" and "Kivin" are funny, but she still knows that we are mama and daddy.  Grace also is learning her letters, so watching her randomly point out a letter is fun.  Her vocabulary has taken off, and we are constantly amazed at the things she says.  I can't even believe what she comes up with, and the reasoning to go along with it.  Counting is another fun activity, though for some reason she always forgets the number 3.  We're working on it.  She's one smart cookie!  One challenge has always been to get her to eat - well, we have learned a new trick.  As much as Grace loves her Uncle Bups (Brian), it's Uncle Danny that she calls "big and strong."  And do you know how he got to be so big and strong?  By eating his healthy meals of course!  The fact that I had to call my brother at lunchtime today to have him convince Grace he eats the bread from his sandwich, not just the jelly, is slightly irritating, but hilarious at the same time.  And of course after their conversation, she devoured her sandwich and a yogurt, as well.  Thank heavens for Uncle Danny!  (And Bups, too!!)

Emma is growing leaps and bounds.  She is rolling across the room and back.  I never had to worry about diaper changes with Grace, she would lay there politely and let me change her.  Emma is off and ready to roll, so we have to make it quick!  She is babbling a lot and on the verge of cutting a tooth...at least I hope.  Her once chubby little cheeks are starting to thin out, and I cannot believe how much she is changing.  She is still happy as a clam, especially when her sister is entertaining her.  Grace can make Emma laugh better than anyone.  Her favorite things to say to her (and I have no idea why!) are "bagel bagel" and "xbox."  Instant laughter or shrieks from Emma, works every time.  I'm so glad we gave Emma the middle name of Joy, she lives up to it well!

Well, now that I took a few spare minutes to catch up, I fear my dinner may be getting cold.  How does that crazy mom of 19 kids and counting make it?!   Here are some pictures of our fun trip to the patch yesterday. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

One is Not Like the Other

I know it's not good to compare kids, but there are so many differences between Emma and Grace that I have been noticing lately, it's just too hard not to.  Neither is better than the other, and by no means do we play favorites.  But, there are just some unique things about them that I felt were worth remembering. 

Take eating, for example.  Feeding my babies has always been the biggest challenge of all, but for very different reasons.  When Grace was a baby, she had reflux so bad that she didn't want to eat because it just caused pain.  The doctor was constantly telling us to try to feed her more, and at 6 months, nursing had become so frustrating that we switched to formula.  To this day she eats like a bird, and is extremely picky!  Emma was born with a tongue problem that has resulted in her not being able to work well with a bottle, so nursing is the name of her game.  She has started solids and so far only dislikes peas.  I don't anticipate her being a picky eater.

While Emma is not fat or overweight, she definitely has baby chub in all the right places.  Full cheeks, a Buddha belly, and rolls on her thighs - all things that are cute when you're 6 months old!  Grace remains tall and lean, very lean.  We struggle to find pants that fit her because her waist is so small. 

Grace was never one to cuddle when she was a baby.  She has her clingy moments these days, and is never short on hugs or kisses.  But, the lovey moments are short-lived and she is usually on to the next thing.  I love when she wraps her little arms around me and squeezes me tight, it's the best!  Emma loves to be held and cuddled.  She likes her wiggle time, too, but never seems to try to get away when someone holds her.

Emma is very interested in grabbing things - objects, hair, glasses, noses, you name it.  Grace never really did this.  In fact I remember people telling me they were amazed that I could wear jewelry.  She never pulled on it!  Not a chance with Emma - those little hands are busy!

Grace and Emma are both pretty even-tempered.  They seem to adjust well to most situations and not many things upset them.  That is not to say that they are both quiet and soft-spoken.  Emma is hands-down the loudest baby I have ever heard in my life.  She screeches, squeals, and babbles at insane decibals.  All the while with a smile on her face - not always on mine at 6am, but such is life.  Grace, on the other hand, was a pretty quiet baby.  In fact she was pretty quiet overall until Emma came along.  Now she sings at the top of her lungs, squeals back in Emma's face (lovingly, of course), and talks over practically anyone having a conversation nearby.  I'm not sure if Emma encouraged Grace to find her voice or if this is typical two year old behavior.

Then there's the obvious appearance differences, too.  Grace is blonde with blue eyes (how did that happen?!) and Emma has brown hair with hazel eyes.  They both have a cute little nose and of course their mommy's big toe.  :)

One thing that remains the same with both girls is that they love each other.  Grace is able to make Emma smile and laugh in a way that no one else can.  Emma is able to turn Grace into a total cuddlebug as she showers her little sister with  hugs and kisses and love taps.  They make each other happy, and it almost seems as if life just wasn't complete until they had each other. 

Pumpkin Pancakes

Well, here it is, what seems like the end of summer in Washington.  Yes, I know, we are more than 24 hours into autumn, but the weather here was mostly warm and sunny today.  As I lay on the couch in a silent house, I here the soothing sound of raindrops starting to fall outside. Ahhhh...candles, pumpkins, hoodies, and boots here I come!

What a summer it was, though!  The girls and I had so much fun hanging out at various concerts, parks, and beaches.  We played with friends, visited the zoo, and picked lots of berries.  As a family, we went to Orcas Island twice, and Disneyland, too!  It seems that most of Grace's friends have summer birthdays, so we attended several parties, and singing happy birthday never seems to get old at our house.

Grace hasn't stopped talking about Disneyland since we got back.  She loved seeing Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and all their friends.  She enjoyed riding in the rocketships, boats (small world), and the choo choo train.  She loved singing zip a dee doo da and eating ice cream every day (yes, really!when in Disneyland...).  We were so lucky to have both Nanas there, and Grace even ran her first race, then Mommy ran a 5k and daddy and Nana Carol ran a half marathon.  It was awesome.  Emma did great on her first airplane trip, and she kicked back in the stroller like a champ at Disneyland.

Orcas Island was pretty awesome, too.  We did some walking in the woods, found some pretty waterfalls, went on some scenic drives, and of course rode the ferry.  Grace loves the ferry boat.  She also loves seeing a lot of deer and other wildlife.  She could play and run outside all day, and I love that.  Can't wait until she and Emma can chase each other around!

Emma is rolling over now.  She is eating solids - loves apples, pears, prunes, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  Not a fan of pureed peas, but really, who is?! She is always happy - seriously, she is!  She gets a little grumpy when she is super tired or super hungry, but even then she usually cracks a smile.  She's just so darn sweet.  And loud....she is very loud.  Maybe she is trying to compete for attention or something, I don't know, but the girl has definitely got a set of lungs! 

Now that fall has arrived, we are back at Little Gym every week, MOPS every other week, and of course volunteering at Tobey Jones once a week, as well.  This leaves a couple days open for us to veg out or hang with friends (and we typically hang with friends!).  Emma is working on a good napping routine, and Grace and I are working on spending some one-on-one time together and even doing a little homeschool preschooling.  So fun to watch her learn and become fascinated with the world! She loves to help me bake and cook, and tonight we made pumpkin pancakes for dinner.  I love how she pushes a chair right up to the counter, climbs up, and jumps right in.  Her favorite thing to do is crack the eggs....but she's not very good at it quite yet! She's good at licking the spoon, though.  Really good!

I constantly feel like I never have a chance to catch my breath, and wonder if I ever will.  But, I suppose that is what life is like with two little ones.  I'm so glad that I have been able to get back into running and working out, as that really helps relieve stress.  But I find very little time for myself, so quiet moments like this are definitely appreciated!  I love my family, and I love my me-time too!  I suppose I should probably get up and clean the griddle and mess in the kitchen...or maybe I will watch a chick flick and paint my toenails instead!  I think I'll go with the latter.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blogging at Breakfast

I can't remember what it feels like to sit through a meal.  My breakfast usually consists of a munch here and there as I empty the dishwasher, spoon a few bites of rice cereal into Emma's mouth, and refill Grace's "nook" (milk) or toss more yazbewies (raspberries) on her plate.  This is true for lunch and dinner, just substitute some of the ingredients and add dinner boiling over on the stove.  Since Emma is working on falling asleep on her own, she took an extra long time getting to bed for her morning nap, and Grace is watching "stweet" (Sesame Street), so since my distractions are few this morning, I figured I should take advantage of it.  So you see, the stress of life is often of my own making.  I could very well sit down and enjoy my breakfast, but I decided to sit down with my laptop....and my breakfast...and now Grace, who currently is taking a break from "stweet"  and is asking for yazbewies.

This summer seems to have blown right by us, and boy have we been busy.  I am starting to realize, I have not been very realistic about my expectations for myself and what can be done in a day.  With one kid, it was so easy to go here and there and pack a day full of fun.  Now, with two different schedules between two different little girls, it is becoming more stressful to do so.  While we have really enjoyed the many outdoor summer activities, I am ready to wind down and get ourselves into a routine that involves good sleep and happy children (which will result in a happy mama!).  Here's to learning as I go, and letting my experience guide me to make good choices and changes for our family!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Quick Catch-Up

Well, it looks like the last chance I had to breathe was back in May.  My how time flies, and we sure are having fun!  This summer has been a blast so far.  Grace has been having so much fun at outdoor concerts, playing at different parks and beaches, visiting the zoo, picking (and eating) berries, visiting local farmer's markets, and hanging out with good friends all the while.  Emma does pretty well kicking back in her stroller or lounging in the front pack with Mommy.  That is, if Mommy's friends let her - I seem to have a lot of baby lovers for friends, which is awesome!  We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends to hang out with.

Grace is so social and really enjoys spending time with little buddies.  It's so fun to watch the interaction of toddlers!!  I don't know why they call being two terrible, because I am loving it!  Grace definitely has an independent side to her, but she is so good at listening and following directions.  One of the coolest things she has started doing is asking questions....all day long!  Why this, when that, where, what, how.... I love her little inquisitive mind.  One of her new favorite things to say is, "scuze me I have a question." Sometimes "just because" would be a lot easier to respond with, but we try our best to encourage her curiosity by giving her informative answers.  Amazing how she soaks up the information, too!  Her vocabulary is incredible, and I am constantly in awe of the words and phrases she picks up, sometimes after only hearing them once (a good reminder to be mindful of our words!).  There's one person Grace can't live without and that is her sister.  She loves her more than anything, and I love watching her give kisses and hugs, as well as coo and baby talk to Emma. 

Emma is as happy as can be pretty much most of the time.  Like any baby, if she is overtired or way too hungry, she is a little grumpy, but not much!  She has just started to give a little giggle here and there (mostly at her sister), and she really enjoys sucking on her thumbs and her toes.  Emma usually has a smile on her face, but if she doesn't the quickest way to get one is to hear her sister talking.  Boy does she love Grace!  And even though I'm not a fan of early mornings, I must say it is lovely to walk into Emma's room and be greeted by her sweet little smile.  Now if only she could take a hint from her sister and snooze a couple more hours....maybe someday!!

One of my favorite things to do is put the kids in the jogging stroller and head out for a run.  Grace holds Emma's hand, and Emma squeals and laughs.  Every now and then Grace yells "run faster mama," which is a great motivator for me!  Lol!!  I love my family and am so thankful for our health and our happiness.  I may not have much spare time (we'll see how long it takes me to write my next post, ha!), but I love my babies and the moments I get to spend with them!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A moment to breathe

It seems like I wake up each morning with a pretty good idea of the things I want to accomplish for the day.  More often than not, most of those things carry over to the next day, and the next, and so on.  Life with a baby and a toddler is a heck of a lot busier than I thought it would be!  I suppose we could stay home every day or run errands every day, and I may do everything on my list. But, how much fun would that be?!  And lately, with the sun calling our names, the park is much more inviting. 

Grace is at a stage where if we happen to just mention what we might do, it must happen NOW!  I have learned to keep my mouth shut about what is to come until we are actually ready to do it.  She is so curious and incredibly excited about all that she learns and does each day.  Her little brain is a sponge and I am amazed at the things she is learning how to do and say.  Aside from being a busy toddler, Grace is an amazing big sister.  She loves to help take care of Emma, gives her hugs and kisses, rocks her in her carrier or swing, and even tries to soothe her if she cries by saying "it's ok Emma," or asks, "are you hungry or sleepy?"  What a smart kiddo!  My favorite thing is when she sits down next to Emma and in a high-pitched voice says, "hi punkin."  She definitely copies what we do - and we have to be careful about what we say!! 

Emma is an amazing little girl.  She is growing leaps and bounds, eating great and sleeping well, too.  She loves her sister and is always smiling when she hears Grace's voice.  Her favorite place to be is on her jungle activity mat, looking up at the lights and butterflies.  She also loves to be cuddled and talked to.  We can't believe how big she has gotten already - such a difference from Grace!  Her hair is still dark and thick and so pretty.  I think her eyes will change, but so far they are still pretty blue. 

I rarely have an opportunity to sit and relax these days.  Today, both girls happened to fall asleep at the same time.  Hooray for naptime!!  Tomorrow, Nana Carolyn is flying up for a visit, and we are all looking forward to that.  Perhaps while she is here, I will have the opportunity to sit and catch up on some of the fun things we have done lately.  But for now, I must get back to reality - a certain little one is awake and ready to eat (again)!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Baby Emma Joy

After feeling like I might be pregnant forever, Emma Joy decided to make her appearance last Friday, March 25, 2011.  While she certainly took her time deciding to arrive (10 days late!), she was not hasty in coming, once her decision was made.  I had been up all night having contractions, and about 7am my water broke.  Kevin and I grabbed all our things and quickly skedaddled.  This put us right into morning traffic, but my dear husband was having none of it.  With contractions now coming every three minutes, he made several passes on the shoulder, was in and out of the carpool lane crossing the double line, and on the off ramp, he drove on the shoulder once more, waving and shouting "baby, baby" out the window.   Under normal circumstances this all might drive me to strangle him, but not that morning.  As I tried desperately to get comfortable in the front seat, wailing and screaming in pain, the biggest fear on my mind was not that I would have this baby in my spiffy new minivan, but that I would not get to the hospital with enough time to have an epidural.  When we arrived at Swedish, I made sure everyone in Labor and Delivery knew I wanted one, stat.  Well, for whatever reason, it didn't work (oddly, when Grace was born we were in the same situation, but there was enough time for a second epidural which did work.  Not so this time!), and I delivered Miss Emma Joy Kincaid without a single drug, a total opposite experience from the first time around.  In hindsight, I am thankful for this, but certainly wasn't at the time.  Kevin will tell you that I shouted some ridiculous, funny, and not so nice phrases that morning, but at 8:51am when our second little miracle came into this world weighing 8lb 5oz and measuring 19.4cm, none of that mattered, nor does it now.  We are a family of four with two adorable and precious little girls.  Life just can't be any sweeter.      

There are no words that can describe the feeling of having your baby placed on your chest for the first time.  Hearing those tiny little sounds and seeing those precious eyes looking at you....it's heaven.  All the pain and agony of the previous hours is forgotten as you are lost in awe and amazement at this gift God has just placed in your arms.  In those first few moments, I was overcome with a feeling of love and appreciation for my blessings.  Kevin and I talked about what a sweet spot we are at in life, and how incredibly blessed we are. 

Now that we are a week into this, sleep deprived and drained, I am still in awe of just how precious life is.  My biggest fear when I found out I was pregnant was that I wouldn't be able to balance my love and attention between two kids.  Fortunately, God knows what He is doing, and has given me more than enough love to spread between them.  He has also placed some incredibly special people in my life who have helped make the past few weeks of this transition as smooth and painless as possible, particularly for Grace.  She is so lucky to be loved so much by such wonderful people, family and friends alike.  Kevin and I have the best moms in the world who love us and our children in a way I am only beginning to understand.  We are so lucky to be learning from them how to be parents. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Due Date

Still no sign of Baby Emma, even though today is her predicted debut.  I'm getting pretty impatient.  Very uncomfortable and anxious to meet this baby.  In the meantime, life goes on.  Nana Carolyn is here, which has been a huge help with Grace.  They have been entertaining each other, giving me a little break to relax and put my feet up now and then.  I'm pretty sure Grace senses something major is coming, as she has been a little ornery and clingy.  She loves to kiss and hug my tummy, which is so cute.  Last week, she and I got our pictures taken together and got a shot of that.  So precious!

Some of Grace's new things to say in the last few days are: "I see .... (insert whatever she sees), kuck (truck...which she loves!), what happened?,  read book, fun, sing (which she loves to do, and sometimes she even sings the correct words to songs at the correct time!), walk park, want some? (as she hands you something she'd like to share with you), goona (good...ask her how she's doing, she will usually tell you, goona), and teeth."  She loves to say "cheese" anytime someone holds up a phone, as she believes she is having her picture taken almost all the time.  So funny.  Can't wait til she can start teaching her little sister everything she knows!  Until then, patience will have to be the answer!!

I'm now a minivan mom, which I swore I'd never be.  However, with two little kids in car seats and all the "baggage" that goes along with that, we figured it was the best option for our family.  I have to say, I'm really excited about the conveniences and luxuries this vehicle has.  It's pretty sweet.  It doesn't remind me of the Dodge Caravan that I learned how to drive in, and I don't feel frumpy in it because it's actually pretty sporty and sleek.  Minivans have come a long way, and for that I am thankful! Looking forward to family road trips, a little more ease in my day-to-day outings, and having the extra room to pile in more friends and family! 

"Cheese" at breakfast time!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Morning

I love relaxing mornings at home.  Lucky for me I have a little girl who loves to snooze in the morning, so I can ease into my day quietly.  Grace is currently singing along to Sesame Street while I enjoy my coffee.  She and I are so alike in the morning - we are not morning girls!  We need our space!  Kevin went to the airport to pick up his mom who will be here to help out for awhile - looking forward to having an extra person on hand, especially when we need to go to the hospital.  Wish that would be today!

Thursday morning I was doing laundry and our washing machine broke.  Of course the repairman can't make it out til Wednesday.  I am so thankful for my dear friend Sarah who took some of my laundry home and did it for me, as well as my mom who has done the same thing.  When Grace was born, our dishwasher was broken.  At the time I thought it was devastating, now I think I would gladly take a broken dishwasher over a broken washing machine!  It could always be worse, though, and we aren't given more than we can handle.  I was sort of hoping this would be a sign that I would go into labor, though, but so far, nothing!

I am so amazed at Grace's vocabulary.  It almost seems like she learns a new word every hour!  She is saying so many little phrases, such as "where are you?" and "here I come!"  When we ask her how she is doing, she responds with "goona" (good), unless she's not happy.  She likes to tell us if she is having "fun" but of course the dreaded "no" sneaks in sometimes, too.  Par for the course.  This week she got a new shape sorting puzzle game, and I can't believe how well she puts the pieces together.  She also can put her pants on all by herself (she can't however get them over her patootie, so it's funny to watch her walk around after she has dressed herself!), and she really enjoys brushing her hair and teeth.  She does a beautiful job, I might add.  She listens and catches on to so many things, and follows directions very well, too.  Except not always in the evenings.....lately it seems like evenings are her ornery time.  She can be very temperamental and grumpy.  As frustrating as it can be, I do appreciate that these moments rarely happen during the day and that she is such a good, sweet little girl.  Can't wait to see her turn into a big sister! 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My How Life Changes

Well, here it is, February 24th.  I cannot believe this month is almost over.  It seems like Christmas was just last week, and we were celebrating Valentine's Day yesterday.  I like to play little time games in my head and think about the the time lapse between one event to another, and how that applies to today and the future.  For example, Valentine's Day was 10 days ago.  March 6th is just 10 days from now.  Christmas was 8 1/2 weeks ago, the end of April is just 8 1/2 weeks from today.  Doesn't that seem unreal?!  And to think in that time, we will have had St Patrick's Day, crossed over to (hopefully) a little warmer weather, have had Easter, and I will have another kid by then.... maybe even in the next 10 days! 

I started to panic on Tuesday after my weekly OB visit.  Emma Joy is due March 15th, but, in Dr. Smith's opinion, will make her debut much sooner, in fact anytime in the next week or two.  As excited as I am to have this pregnancy over and have my body back to myself, I realized we aren't as prepared as we should be!  So, this waddling momma took herself straight to Target in hopes of finding some warm little outfits and socks (can you believe this baby has hardly any clothes?!  All of Grace's baby clothes were summer-appropriate.  Seeing as how there is snow outside and it is expected to return in the next few days, this hardly seems acceptable!).  I am a huge fan of Target, but was incredibly disappointed that all of the clothes were short - no sleeves and capris or shorts!  Well, this baby is not going to freeze on my watch, so I quickly got home to do some online shopping.

When I was a teenager right up to a few years ago, there weren't many activities I loved more than going to the mall.  These days, I practically dread it.  I'm not really sure why because I have a very well-behaved little girl that adapts to pretty much any situation - I really can take her anywhere with me.  Maybe it's because my priorities have changed and I just don't look at "things" the way I used to.  I really would rather spend my time playing or reading Dr. Seuss or singing silly songs than browsing narrow aisles at the mall (far too narrow for strollers, I might add....that might be part of it!) for things I really don't need.  I would also rather save my money for more important things like organic food, vacations, and family-related activities.  Well, thank heavens for amazon.com.  I can order pretty much anything from diapers to granola bars to baby outfits to new pillows.  I don't have to go anywhere and my items will be here in 2 days, with pretty low prices to boot.  Can't beat that! 

As much as I abhor so many things about this fast-paced world, online shopping is definitely one perk of this era that I do enjoy.  I still read real books, send paper invitations and thank you notes (except this Christmas.....8 1/2 weeks sure did slip by, oops!), prefer that I drive a car without a tv in it, refuse fast food, avoid preservatives, and bake almost everything from scratch, so I will gratefully await my amazon delivery this afternoon, and appreciate the stress and unnecessary hassle it saved me. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

All You Need is Love

It's the official day of love, and my heart is so full of all things wonderful.  Sometimes in this crazy world in which we live, it is easy to get caught up in superficial nonsense, material possessions, and worldly goods.  But, those are not the things that matter in life.  Sure, I am grateful for a nice, warm house, plenty of clothes and shoes, and various other luxuries such as cars that run and my trusty iphone.  But, what I am grateful for the most are the people in my life and the memories and moments I get to have with them.  Most of all, I am lucky to be the mom of a super cool kiddo that I get to hang out with every day.  On this Valentine's Day, I am thinking about all those that I love and how much I appreciate each and every one of them.  No box of candy, fancy card, or any other trinket can fill my heart the way my family does, and my true friends, as well.  So, to all of my treasured friends and family - thank you for filling me up.  Happy Valentine's Day, may your heart be filled with much love, too!

Volunteering this morning
Lunch with Gigi
Interesting table manners
Grace's first scar - still a cutie patootie, just added a little character!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tough Teeth

What a long week it has been! Grace is working on her canine teeth, and I have to say they are the worst by far. She chews on ice a lot during the day and wakes up at night grabbing at her mouth and crying. It must be terrifying to wake up in that kind of pain and not really understand it. I feel so bad for her. Tylenol helps somewhat, but I really don't like to give it to her consistently. We discovered Orajel really has done the trick for the last two nights and we have all finally gotten some much needed rest! Such hard and painful work for something that will eventually just fall out. My goodness!

This morning I went to a baby shower for the tiniest baby I have ever met. She was born a couple weeks early and weighs less than 6 pounds! It's amazing how a tiny little body like that functions outside the womb, God sure works miracles. Baby Josie received a bunch of adorable outfits and other baby necessities. I left feeling so anxious for our own baby to arrive. I can't wait to have my body back, and to wear normal clothes! I want to go running and work out. 6 more weeks.....but then of course come the sleepless nights and lack of energy due to sleep deprivation. Such is life...

I am so excited to see the dynamic between Grace and her little sister. Grace loves to take care of her baby dolls and stuffed animals. In fact, when she asks for a drink or something to eat, she often will let them "have a share" first. I find that to be very thoughtful and hope that Grace is just as sharing and caring to her sister - though I hope she will understand new babies don't eat goldfish crackers and drink apple juice. Of course, neither do stuffed animals and dolls.

Rocking her baby before bathtime
Beet pancakes and blueberries - yum!

Dessert at Cupcake Royale

Monday, January 31, 2011


Our newest challenge, it seems, is trying to get Grace dressed. She has partially figured out how to do this herself, so is not at all interested in letting someone else do it for her. Yesterday morning, as I was folding clothes, I found her with a pair of undergarments around her neck, socks on her hands, and a pair of pants pulled up her arms. Hilarious yes, but not so much when I told her it was time to take them all off. The first time she got a pair of pants on (correctly, that is, on her legs), I was so excited for her,and she was so proud. Here is a video of her attempts prior to the success that night:


Toddlerdom sure has its ups and downs. I have learned there is no such thing as a task done quickly. Grace insists on taking her time to accomplish many things on her own. It's a battle that I choose not to fight most often, because I want her to be independent and do things on her own. Sometimes it would be nice to quickly put our shoes and jackets on and get out the door, but there really is no lesson in that. Watching her learn that she really can be successful at many things on her own is much more important and entertaining!

Some of grace's current favorite independent activities include:
Putting clothes on
Taking clothes off
Finding and watching podcasts on her "bipa" (ipod)
Walking up and down stairs
Putting dishes away (tupperware is her job!)
Putting things/toys away

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birds and Beasts

Monday was Grace's last day of the Bird session at Little Gym. She has graduated to a Beast, and her new classes will start next Wednesday. We first went to Little Gym when Grace was about 6 months old for a trial class. It seemed like fun, and a great opportunity for socialization. But, I just felt she was still so little and really wouldn't get as much out of the classes than if we waited awhile. As she got older, we realized what an incredibly limber, flexible and potentially athletic little build she has. I decided to revisit Little Gym and see how she responded, and she loved it. So, here we are at the end of our first semester. Grace can now confidently walk across a low beam unassisted, do front and back rolls with some assistance, walk the high beam with some assistance (though she doesn't want it!), swing from the bars, climb up and down stairs unaided, jump on the bouncing boards, walk sideways and backwards, stand on a low bar while holding on to the high bar on the uneven bars, and much much more. She especially loves the activities that involve heights, which is great for building her confidence and problem-solving skills. She likes to maneuver through obstacle courses, especially when there are spaces between mats and she has to figure out the best way to get through or over the gaps. It is so fun to watch her thought processing and all of her many successes! Grace loves her teacher Miss Shannon and also enjoys circle time. She also has a couple friends that she tends to be more friendly with than others, and she adores singing the goodbye birdies song at the end of every class then getting stamps on her hands and feet. She will have to learn a new beast song next week, for sure! Here are some pictures from her final day as a bird.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Marathons and Musicals

It's Sunday night, I'm parked solo on the couch with Grace asleep. I figured it is the perfect time to check in.

Kevin is in California, and I am so excited to report that he finished his first marathon today! What a huge accomplishment, I am so proud of him. He has been so dedicated to his training schedule, and that alone is something to celebrate. What a lot of hard work and dedication he has put in over the last few months! I was bummed not to be there to cheer for and congratulate him in person, but still so excited for him. We have already registered for the Disney races in September - he will be running the half marathon, and I will be doing the 5k (I figure that is a feasible goal 6 months after having a baby.....probably could be a little more ambitious and shoot for the half, but it just sounds like a bit much....of course I say that now with a big ol' belly and absolutely no energy! We'll see.) It will be Baby's first trip to Disneyland, and our first adventure traveling that far as a family of 4!

Grace and I have had a fun girls weekend. Yesterday morning we met Katie and Keza at the Tacoma Philharmonic Concert for Kids. It was a blast, and I am looking forward to going back. The girls had such a fun time! Then we had naps and spent the afternoon playing, eating together and getting ready for bed together. Those girls are so hilarious, it has been fun to watch them together since Day 1. In fact, I remember Katie all cuddled up on the couch with Grace just days before Keza was born. I like to think the girls were bonding even then :)
Looking forward to a busy week - Little Gym, separate lunch dates with both Great Grandmas, hair appointment, MOPS, volunteering at Great Grandma June's, Kidsquest Museum with Grace's buddy Ryder (and my dear buddy Melissa), and a doctor appointment. Sometime in there I'd like to try to catch my breath!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here and Now

I can't believe it's already mid-January, this month seems to be flying by! Today, as I was doing some things in the kitchen, I looked over at Grace and realized LIFE is flying by! She was sitting happily at her art table coloring a picture and singing. I can't believe how quickly she is turning from a baby into a little girl. Where did the time go?! Her sweet little voice always makes me smile (except when it's saying "no," then I'm more irritated than anything else!), and listening to her sing is the best music to my ears there could ever possibly be. In another two months, she will be a big sister, won't that be an interesting transition?! In the meantime, I want to savor every moment we have together, just us. I want to laugh at how silly she is for putting socks on her hands. I want to let my heart melt every time she hugs me and gives me a love pat, or does the sign for "I love you" over and over. I want to savor every "momma" because I know it won't always sound so precious and sincere. I want to appreciate her wanting to sit in my lap and read stories or watch Sesame Street podcasts on her "bipod." I want to find humor in the fact that every meal must be accompanied by "dup," which is her word for both ketchup and maple syrup. And I want to enjoy our evening routine of having to kiss every animal and picture in her room, sing "itsy" at least twice, and say a ni-nite prayer sometimes 4 or 5 times before getting in bed. Each of these things, in and of themselves, can be frustrating or tiring at times. Wrap them all up into one long day with a momma who is tired and doesn't have much energy, well...let's just say I tend to overlook how sweet, innocent, and incredibly lovely they are.

I used to never spend time in the moment, rather I was always thinking about the next thing, what I needed to plan for. Motherhood has taught me to slow down and be mindful of that instant. It has taken a lot of practice, and I want to be even better. I want to focus always on what is rather than what could or should be. Otherwise, 18 years will blow by and I will have lost precious moments that can never be relived. Last week after Little Gym, I took Grace to Jamba Juice for a treat. As we drank our smoothies and shared a banana, I was overcome with the longing to take pictures of us sitting there and share them with others. I had left my phone in the car, and instantly knew it was a blessing in disguise. I got to spend 15 solid minutes "chatting" with my girl and enjoying our time rather than snapping pics and texting or posting them on facebook. It was my favorite 15 minutes of the whole week, and I am so grateful for them, even if there are no pictures to prove what a sweet setting it was. In this fast-paced, instant-info world we live in, these are the moments that count. I need to be mindful of that and enjoy them while they last!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary, said with a huge yawn!

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary. I have a feeling our evening will be very quiet and drowsy! I am looking forward to dinner out tomorrow night with Kevin. It's fun to think back to four years ago and remember what a fun day we had, and all the fun days we have had in between!

Although I am one tired momma today, I am taking a moment to catch up on things. Thank heavens for coffee, as that seems to be what is really getting me through the day! Yesterday we started off with a slow, yet lovely morning. We went to Great Grandma June's for lunch. It was a good time, and all the folks were happy, as usual, to see Grace. Things took a turn for the worse, however, when we got home. Grace was unusually crabby and took a very short nap followed by screaming and crying when she woke up (which she never does!). After a couple hours she started puking....everywhere....and it didn't stop until well into the night. That was our first experience with that kind of sickness! Luckily, Nana came over quickly to help, and Kevin got home soon after. It's definitely no fun watching such a little person go through that, especially when you can't do much to help. Fortunately so far today Grace has been able to eat and drink a little with no problems. Unfortunately for all of us, we barely got any sleep last night! Such is life!

One of my new exciting interests has become redesigning Grace's, and ultimately our family's, menu. Over the past couple of weeks, I have spent some serous time feeling frustrated and hopeless about Grace's refusal to eat so many foods, particularly vegetables. My dear friend Sarah showed me a cool cookbook called Double Delicious that teaches mommies how to sneak veggies into everyday meals, mostly in the form of purees. I thought my days of pureeing for Grace were over, but it seems to only make sense. So, I have been copying many of the recipes from the book, ordered my own book, and have come up with a few of my own creations. So far, the response has been pretty good, and I feel good that Grace is eating more nutritious meals. Being one that is concerned about and places a priority on healthy habits, I am surprised it took me this long to get her out of this rut, but glad to see it's not as difficult of a struggle as I was making it out to be! Sarah and I are hoping to experiment some more with our recipes and perhaps launch a blog of our own in the near future!

Grace has been having a ball practicing sitting on her new potty chair. We are not getting aggressive about this stage quite yet, but it is fun to introduce it and see that she is interested. She also has become fascinated with trying to put her socks on her feet, and in the past couple of days gets quite a kick out of putting them on her hands, as well. Silly girl! I love listening to her sweet little voice saying new words constantly, and even putting a couple words together. She also enjoys singing quite a bit, and even has her own microphone.

We have made some progress on the baby's room which is exciting. Her crib is set up and the bedding set has arrived. We are contemplating paint colors and hope to get that done in teh next week or so. Only 2 months to go, can't believe how quickly the time has flown by!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Exhausted and completely drained of energy, it was so nice to have Kevin home for over a week. Yesterday was our first day back to reality, and Grace and I had a wonderful morning with her good friend Nelia. The girls played, snacked, colored, and read books together.

It is fun to think back over the last year and a half that we have been having playdates. The first few months, playdates consisted of two mommies relaxing over lunch while the baby girls laid around on blankets on the floor. We of course interacted, but there was very little effort involved on the momma's parts. Then as the babies began rolling, crawling, cruising, and eventually walking, our playdates changed drastically. For awhile there, it was impossible for the mommies to carry on a conversation, but we still enjoyed hanging out. These days it seems like playdates have gotten easier once again, as the kiddos are now old enough to interact with each other and remain interested in playing together. It is so fun to watch toddlers "converse" and engage with each other.

Here are a few fun pictures I have found from playdates, past to present:

Can't wait to see how these relationships (and many others that I didn't quickly find pictures of!) blossom and grow over the years!