Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Days 14-22

14 - Old Movies - Kevin and I love watching old movies!  We watch a lot of Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart, as well as old Jack Lemmon films.  I think most movies today have become very simple, even boring sometimes, and I love the plotlines from back in the day.  Plus hair, makeup, and wardrobe was way more interesting back then.  And you often get a little bit of history mixed in with the flick!

15 - My cleaning lady - I used to think a stay at home mom should have no excuse for a messy house.  Surely if I don't go to work, I ought to have a spotless house and dinner on the table at the same time every night, right?  Wrong.  I can't do it all, and cleaning is one thing that I am glad to pass on to someone else!  This affords me more time to focus on being a mommy, as well as a little time to relax rather than clean when I actually have a free moment.  It took me a long time to accept that I can't be perfect at everything, and to justify having some help.  But, I am glad I did, and grateful for my cleaning lady!

16 - Down time - There is something to be said for playdates, Little Gym, MOPS, volunteering, etc.  But, really, I find that not only do my children get overwhelmed easily, so do I!  It is so nice to have some downtime during the week, a day or two just to stay home and veg.  We recently dropped Little Gym from our busy lives, and while I miss it already, I am grateful we are not in a mad rush to get out the door, work against Emma's naptime, and then hurry home to eat lunch and make sure Grace gets down for her nap.  Little Gym's schedule just wasn't working with ours, and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to Wednesdays being a little less stressful.  My kids are happy campers when they are not over-stimulated, as am I.  

17 - Good friends for Grace, good mommy friends for me - Grace is a very social little girl.  She loves playing with others, and we are blessed to have gotten to know some great friends her age.  I love the bond that has been created between us mommies, too, making playdates a fun time for me, as well!  Today "Friend Ship" came to play, and I love watching the interaction between Grace and Shipley, they are so cute and sweet to each other.  And of course, "Mommy Ship," also known as Jacquelynn, has become a dear friend to me, too. 

18 - New bed - Well, I am an insomniac with a toddler and an infant (need I say more...they wake up sometimes!) who has been sleeping in a defective bed.  Very bad combination!  Today I am thankful that Macy's measured and found our 2 year old bed to be a lemon and brought us a brand new one.  I am so thankful I can lay down in comfort tonight. 

19 - Helpful little hands - Grace really enjoys helping me with most things, but especially baking and cooking.  In fact, she about has a cow when I have made a meal without her.  I am thankful, though, for her interest in not only spending time with me, but taking on responsibilities and doing "grown up" chores.  Very cool!

20 - Sunshine - Well, it is November.  And a week of rain is in the forecast.  So, I am thankful for an opportunity to hang out at the park, wear my sunglasses, and make it into the store without getting drenched today. 

21 - Seeing compassion in my 2 year old - Today when we made our weekly visit to see the Alzheimer's patients, we took them some homemade pumpkin bread (that Grace, of course, helped bake).  She was so excited to pass out the napkins as I came along behind her and passed out bread slices.  As we were eating and visiting, one of the ladies came to the room a little late.  Grace put her own bread down, jumped up and grabbed a napkin and eagerly took it to her.  I wasn't moving quick enough, so Grace came and tugged at me and said "That lady needs bread, Momma."  I was so impressed that she walked away from her own bread (something she LOVES!) to take care of someone else's needs.  If that isn't compassion, I don't know what is. 

22 - Pediatrician and modern medicine! Well, after almost a month of not sleeping due to what I thought was Emma teething, I finally decided to take her to the doctor.  I had a hunch they were going to send me home without anything further they could do.  But, I also had a hunch something more may be wrong.  I am thankful I trusted my instinct to go, and thankful for a wonderful pediatrician who my girls just love.  A quick diagnosis of a double ear infection, a prescription for antibiotics, and we were on our way.  Here's to modern medicine! (And hopefully some sleep tonight!). 

1 comment:

  1. Bless you my dear Steph. So enjoy these posts. Glad you're able to adjust your schedule and make the hard decisions. Sorry about the little Gym. It might be fun as well when Emma is old enough to enjoy and then you're chasing two on the mats! Yikes! Love the cleaning lady stuff. You are more perfect than you realize. Poor ear infections. I had them, Missy had them...it's tough when they can't tell you if they hurt. Miss you and wish we could see you tommorrow. If I had a blog....I would list I'm thankful for Kevin,Steph and their beautiful family. Compassion for the forgotten Alzheimer's population...priceless. Grace has a heart of gold and as they say "...a child shall lead them..." Recommend Casablanca..."here's looking at you kid...".."play it Sam"...love and hugs..auntie sb
