Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary, said with a huge yawn!

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary. I have a feeling our evening will be very quiet and drowsy! I am looking forward to dinner out tomorrow night with Kevin. It's fun to think back to four years ago and remember what a fun day we had, and all the fun days we have had in between!

Although I am one tired momma today, I am taking a moment to catch up on things. Thank heavens for coffee, as that seems to be what is really getting me through the day! Yesterday we started off with a slow, yet lovely morning. We went to Great Grandma June's for lunch. It was a good time, and all the folks were happy, as usual, to see Grace. Things took a turn for the worse, however, when we got home. Grace was unusually crabby and took a very short nap followed by screaming and crying when she woke up (which she never does!). After a couple hours she started puking....everywhere....and it didn't stop until well into the night. That was our first experience with that kind of sickness! Luckily, Nana came over quickly to help, and Kevin got home soon after. It's definitely no fun watching such a little person go through that, especially when you can't do much to help. Fortunately so far today Grace has been able to eat and drink a little with no problems. Unfortunately for all of us, we barely got any sleep last night! Such is life!

One of my new exciting interests has become redesigning Grace's, and ultimately our family's, menu. Over the past couple of weeks, I have spent some serous time feeling frustrated and hopeless about Grace's refusal to eat so many foods, particularly vegetables. My dear friend Sarah showed me a cool cookbook called Double Delicious that teaches mommies how to sneak veggies into everyday meals, mostly in the form of purees. I thought my days of pureeing for Grace were over, but it seems to only make sense. So, I have been copying many of the recipes from the book, ordered my own book, and have come up with a few of my own creations. So far, the response has been pretty good, and I feel good that Grace is eating more nutritious meals. Being one that is concerned about and places a priority on healthy habits, I am surprised it took me this long to get her out of this rut, but glad to see it's not as difficult of a struggle as I was making it out to be! Sarah and I are hoping to experiment some more with our recipes and perhaps launch a blog of our own in the near future!

Grace has been having a ball practicing sitting on her new potty chair. We are not getting aggressive about this stage quite yet, but it is fun to introduce it and see that she is interested. She also has become fascinated with trying to put her socks on her feet, and in the past couple of days gets quite a kick out of putting them on her hands, as well. Silly girl! I love listening to her sweet little voice saying new words constantly, and even putting a couple words together. She also enjoys singing quite a bit, and even has her own microphone.

We have made some progress on the baby's room which is exciting. Her crib is set up and the bedding set has arrived. We are contemplating paint colors and hope to get that done in teh next week or so. Only 2 months to go, can't believe how quickly the time has flown by!

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