Monday, January 31, 2011


Our newest challenge, it seems, is trying to get Grace dressed. She has partially figured out how to do this herself, so is not at all interested in letting someone else do it for her. Yesterday morning, as I was folding clothes, I found her with a pair of undergarments around her neck, socks on her hands, and a pair of pants pulled up her arms. Hilarious yes, but not so much when I told her it was time to take them all off. The first time she got a pair of pants on (correctly, that is, on her legs), I was so excited for her,and she was so proud. Here is a video of her attempts prior to the success that night:

Toddlerdom sure has its ups and downs. I have learned there is no such thing as a task done quickly. Grace insists on taking her time to accomplish many things on her own. It's a battle that I choose not to fight most often, because I want her to be independent and do things on her own. Sometimes it would be nice to quickly put our shoes and jackets on and get out the door, but there really is no lesson in that. Watching her learn that she really can be successful at many things on her own is much more important and entertaining!

Some of grace's current favorite independent activities include:
Putting clothes on
Taking clothes off
Finding and watching podcasts on her "bipa" (ipod)
Walking up and down stairs
Putting dishes away (tupperware is her job!)
Putting things/toys away

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