Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Due Date

Still no sign of Baby Emma, even though today is her predicted debut.  I'm getting pretty impatient.  Very uncomfortable and anxious to meet this baby.  In the meantime, life goes on.  Nana Carolyn is here, which has been a huge help with Grace.  They have been entertaining each other, giving me a little break to relax and put my feet up now and then.  I'm pretty sure Grace senses something major is coming, as she has been a little ornery and clingy.  She loves to kiss and hug my tummy, which is so cute.  Last week, she and I got our pictures taken together and got a shot of that.  So precious!

Some of Grace's new things to say in the last few days are: "I see .... (insert whatever she sees), kuck (truck...which she loves!), what happened?,  read book, fun, sing (which she loves to do, and sometimes she even sings the correct words to songs at the correct time!), walk park, want some? (as she hands you something she'd like to share with you), goona (good...ask her how she's doing, she will usually tell you, goona), and teeth."  She loves to say "cheese" anytime someone holds up a phone, as she believes she is having her picture taken almost all the time.  So funny.  Can't wait til she can start teaching her little sister everything she knows!  Until then, patience will have to be the answer!!

I'm now a minivan mom, which I swore I'd never be.  However, with two little kids in car seats and all the "baggage" that goes along with that, we figured it was the best option for our family.  I have to say, I'm really excited about the conveniences and luxuries this vehicle has.  It's pretty sweet.  It doesn't remind me of the Dodge Caravan that I learned how to drive in, and I don't feel frumpy in it because it's actually pretty sporty and sleek.  Minivans have come a long way, and for that I am thankful! Looking forward to family road trips, a little more ease in my day-to-day outings, and having the extra room to pile in more friends and family! 

"Cheese" at breakfast time!

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