Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Quick Catch-Up

Well, it looks like the last chance I had to breathe was back in May.  My how time flies, and we sure are having fun!  This summer has been a blast so far.  Grace has been having so much fun at outdoor concerts, playing at different parks and beaches, visiting the zoo, picking (and eating) berries, visiting local farmer's markets, and hanging out with good friends all the while.  Emma does pretty well kicking back in her stroller or lounging in the front pack with Mommy.  That is, if Mommy's friends let her - I seem to have a lot of baby lovers for friends, which is awesome!  We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends to hang out with.

Grace is so social and really enjoys spending time with little buddies.  It's so fun to watch the interaction of toddlers!!  I don't know why they call being two terrible, because I am loving it!  Grace definitely has an independent side to her, but she is so good at listening and following directions.  One of the coolest things she has started doing is asking questions....all day long!  Why this, when that, where, what, how.... I love her little inquisitive mind.  One of her new favorite things to say is, "scuze me I have a question." Sometimes "just because" would be a lot easier to respond with, but we try our best to encourage her curiosity by giving her informative answers.  Amazing how she soaks up the information, too!  Her vocabulary is incredible, and I am constantly in awe of the words and phrases she picks up, sometimes after only hearing them once (a good reminder to be mindful of our words!).  There's one person Grace can't live without and that is her sister.  She loves her more than anything, and I love watching her give kisses and hugs, as well as coo and baby talk to Emma. 

Emma is as happy as can be pretty much most of the time.  Like any baby, if she is overtired or way too hungry, she is a little grumpy, but not much!  She has just started to give a little giggle here and there (mostly at her sister), and she really enjoys sucking on her thumbs and her toes.  Emma usually has a smile on her face, but if she doesn't the quickest way to get one is to hear her sister talking.  Boy does she love Grace!  And even though I'm not a fan of early mornings, I must say it is lovely to walk into Emma's room and be greeted by her sweet little smile.  Now if only she could take a hint from her sister and snooze a couple more hours....maybe someday!!

One of my favorite things to do is put the kids in the jogging stroller and head out for a run.  Grace holds Emma's hand, and Emma squeals and laughs.  Every now and then Grace yells "run faster mama," which is a great motivator for me!  Lol!!  I love my family and am so thankful for our health and our happiness.  I may not have much spare time (we'll see how long it takes me to write my next post, ha!), but I love my babies and the moments I get to spend with them!

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