Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Morning

I love relaxing mornings at home.  Lucky for me I have a little girl who loves to snooze in the morning, so I can ease into my day quietly.  Grace is currently singing along to Sesame Street while I enjoy my coffee.  She and I are so alike in the morning - we are not morning girls!  We need our space!  Kevin went to the airport to pick up his mom who will be here to help out for awhile - looking forward to having an extra person on hand, especially when we need to go to the hospital.  Wish that would be today!

Thursday morning I was doing laundry and our washing machine broke.  Of course the repairman can't make it out til Wednesday.  I am so thankful for my dear friend Sarah who took some of my laundry home and did it for me, as well as my mom who has done the same thing.  When Grace was born, our dishwasher was broken.  At the time I thought it was devastating, now I think I would gladly take a broken dishwasher over a broken washing machine!  It could always be worse, though, and we aren't given more than we can handle.  I was sort of hoping this would be a sign that I would go into labor, though, but so far, nothing!

I am so amazed at Grace's vocabulary.  It almost seems like she learns a new word every hour!  She is saying so many little phrases, such as "where are you?" and "here I come!"  When we ask her how she is doing, she responds with "goona" (good), unless she's not happy.  She likes to tell us if she is having "fun" but of course the dreaded "no" sneaks in sometimes, too.  Par for the course.  This week she got a new shape sorting puzzle game, and I can't believe how well she puts the pieces together.  She also can put her pants on all by herself (she can't however get them over her patootie, so it's funny to watch her walk around after she has dressed herself!), and she really enjoys brushing her hair and teeth.  She does a beautiful job, I might add.  She listens and catches on to so many things, and follows directions very well, too.  Except not always in the evenings.....lately it seems like evenings are her ornery time.  She can be very temperamental and grumpy.  As frustrating as it can be, I do appreciate that these moments rarely happen during the day and that she is such a good, sweet little girl.  Can't wait to see her turn into a big sister! 

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