Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blogging at Breakfast

I can't remember what it feels like to sit through a meal.  My breakfast usually consists of a munch here and there as I empty the dishwasher, spoon a few bites of rice cereal into Emma's mouth, and refill Grace's "nook" (milk) or toss more yazbewies (raspberries) on her plate.  This is true for lunch and dinner, just substitute some of the ingredients and add dinner boiling over on the stove.  Since Emma is working on falling asleep on her own, she took an extra long time getting to bed for her morning nap, and Grace is watching "stweet" (Sesame Street), so since my distractions are few this morning, I figured I should take advantage of it.  So you see, the stress of life is often of my own making.  I could very well sit down and enjoy my breakfast, but I decided to sit down with my laptop....and my breakfast...and now Grace, who currently is taking a break from "stweet"  and is asking for yazbewies.

This summer seems to have blown right by us, and boy have we been busy.  I am starting to realize, I have not been very realistic about my expectations for myself and what can be done in a day.  With one kid, it was so easy to go here and there and pack a day full of fun.  Now, with two different schedules between two different little girls, it is becoming more stressful to do so.  While we have really enjoyed the many outdoor summer activities, I am ready to wind down and get ourselves into a routine that involves good sleep and happy children (which will result in a happy mama!).  Here's to learning as I go, and letting my experience guide me to make good choices and changes for our family!

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