Sunday, January 23, 2011

Marathons and Musicals

It's Sunday night, I'm parked solo on the couch with Grace asleep. I figured it is the perfect time to check in.

Kevin is in California, and I am so excited to report that he finished his first marathon today! What a huge accomplishment, I am so proud of him. He has been so dedicated to his training schedule, and that alone is something to celebrate. What a lot of hard work and dedication he has put in over the last few months! I was bummed not to be there to cheer for and congratulate him in person, but still so excited for him. We have already registered for the Disney races in September - he will be running the half marathon, and I will be doing the 5k (I figure that is a feasible goal 6 months after having a baby.....probably could be a little more ambitious and shoot for the half, but it just sounds like a bit much....of course I say that now with a big ol' belly and absolutely no energy! We'll see.) It will be Baby's first trip to Disneyland, and our first adventure traveling that far as a family of 4!

Grace and I have had a fun girls weekend. Yesterday morning we met Katie and Keza at the Tacoma Philharmonic Concert for Kids. It was a blast, and I am looking forward to going back. The girls had such a fun time! Then we had naps and spent the afternoon playing, eating together and getting ready for bed together. Those girls are so hilarious, it has been fun to watch them together since Day 1. In fact, I remember Katie all cuddled up on the couch with Grace just days before Keza was born. I like to think the girls were bonding even then :)
Looking forward to a busy week - Little Gym, separate lunch dates with both Great Grandmas, hair appointment, MOPS, volunteering at Great Grandma June's, Kidsquest Museum with Grace's buddy Ryder (and my dear buddy Melissa), and a doctor appointment. Sometime in there I'd like to try to catch my breath!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your support Steph. Without your understanding and help I would have never crossed the finish line. True I love solo adventures and testing the limits of my mind and body, but i recognize that I would have not experienced the success I had without you running the show at home while I was out running around for hours on end. You were there in spirit for sure. I love you.
