Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tough Teeth

What a long week it has been! Grace is working on her canine teeth, and I have to say they are the worst by far. She chews on ice a lot during the day and wakes up at night grabbing at her mouth and crying. It must be terrifying to wake up in that kind of pain and not really understand it. I feel so bad for her. Tylenol helps somewhat, but I really don't like to give it to her consistently. We discovered Orajel really has done the trick for the last two nights and we have all finally gotten some much needed rest! Such hard and painful work for something that will eventually just fall out. My goodness!

This morning I went to a baby shower for the tiniest baby I have ever met. She was born a couple weeks early and weighs less than 6 pounds! It's amazing how a tiny little body like that functions outside the womb, God sure works miracles. Baby Josie received a bunch of adorable outfits and other baby necessities. I left feeling so anxious for our own baby to arrive. I can't wait to have my body back, and to wear normal clothes! I want to go running and work out. 6 more weeks.....but then of course come the sleepless nights and lack of energy due to sleep deprivation. Such is life...

I am so excited to see the dynamic between Grace and her little sister. Grace loves to take care of her baby dolls and stuffed animals. In fact, when she asks for a drink or something to eat, she often will let them "have a share" first. I find that to be very thoughtful and hope that Grace is just as sharing and caring to her sister - though I hope she will understand new babies don't eat goldfish crackers and drink apple juice. Of course, neither do stuffed animals and dolls.

Rocking her baby before bathtime
Beet pancakes and blueberries - yum!

Dessert at Cupcake Royale

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