Thursday, February 24, 2011

My How Life Changes

Well, here it is, February 24th.  I cannot believe this month is almost over.  It seems like Christmas was just last week, and we were celebrating Valentine's Day yesterday.  I like to play little time games in my head and think about the the time lapse between one event to another, and how that applies to today and the future.  For example, Valentine's Day was 10 days ago.  March 6th is just 10 days from now.  Christmas was 8 1/2 weeks ago, the end of April is just 8 1/2 weeks from today.  Doesn't that seem unreal?!  And to think in that time, we will have had St Patrick's Day, crossed over to (hopefully) a little warmer weather, have had Easter, and I will have another kid by then.... maybe even in the next 10 days! 

I started to panic on Tuesday after my weekly OB visit.  Emma Joy is due March 15th, but, in Dr. Smith's opinion, will make her debut much sooner, in fact anytime in the next week or two.  As excited as I am to have this pregnancy over and have my body back to myself, I realized we aren't as prepared as we should be!  So, this waddling momma took herself straight to Target in hopes of finding some warm little outfits and socks (can you believe this baby has hardly any clothes?!  All of Grace's baby clothes were summer-appropriate.  Seeing as how there is snow outside and it is expected to return in the next few days, this hardly seems acceptable!).  I am a huge fan of Target, but was incredibly disappointed that all of the clothes were short - no sleeves and capris or shorts!  Well, this baby is not going to freeze on my watch, so I quickly got home to do some online shopping.

When I was a teenager right up to a few years ago, there weren't many activities I loved more than going to the mall.  These days, I practically dread it.  I'm not really sure why because I have a very well-behaved little girl that adapts to pretty much any situation - I really can take her anywhere with me.  Maybe it's because my priorities have changed and I just don't look at "things" the way I used to.  I really would rather spend my time playing or reading Dr. Seuss or singing silly songs than browsing narrow aisles at the mall (far too narrow for strollers, I might add....that might be part of it!) for things I really don't need.  I would also rather save my money for more important things like organic food, vacations, and family-related activities.  Well, thank heavens for  I can order pretty much anything from diapers to granola bars to baby outfits to new pillows.  I don't have to go anywhere and my items will be here in 2 days, with pretty low prices to boot.  Can't beat that! 

As much as I abhor so many things about this fast-paced world, online shopping is definitely one perk of this era that I do enjoy.  I still read real books, send paper invitations and thank you notes (except this Christmas.....8 1/2 weeks sure did slip by, oops!), prefer that I drive a car without a tv in it, refuse fast food, avoid preservatives, and bake almost everything from scratch, so I will gratefully await my amazon delivery this afternoon, and appreciate the stress and unnecessary hassle it saved me. 

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