Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Fun

Fall is in full swing, and I have to say I love being cozy while it's blustery outside.  Tonight is mild and pleasant, but am I crazy when I say I love the wind and rain?!  A true Seattle girl, born and raised! 

I really thought once summer was over things would slow down, but that hasn't seemed to have happened yet.  Nevertheless, we are having fun.  Yesterday we visited the pumpkin patch with Nana Carolyn in tow.  What a blast!  Grace picked out pumpkins for her and Emma, and she loved eating fresh donuts and corn on the cob.  She also had a fun time looking at the farm animals and scarecrows. 

Some fun milestones that Grace has recently reached include calling us by our first names.  The occasional "Stephanie" and "Kivin" are funny, but she still knows that we are mama and daddy.  Grace also is learning her letters, so watching her randomly point out a letter is fun.  Her vocabulary has taken off, and we are constantly amazed at the things she says.  I can't even believe what she comes up with, and the reasoning to go along with it.  Counting is another fun activity, though for some reason she always forgets the number 3.  We're working on it.  She's one smart cookie!  One challenge has always been to get her to eat - well, we have learned a new trick.  As much as Grace loves her Uncle Bups (Brian), it's Uncle Danny that she calls "big and strong."  And do you know how he got to be so big and strong?  By eating his healthy meals of course!  The fact that I had to call my brother at lunchtime today to have him convince Grace he eats the bread from his sandwich, not just the jelly, is slightly irritating, but hilarious at the same time.  And of course after their conversation, she devoured her sandwich and a yogurt, as well.  Thank heavens for Uncle Danny!  (And Bups, too!!)

Emma is growing leaps and bounds.  She is rolling across the room and back.  I never had to worry about diaper changes with Grace, she would lay there politely and let me change her.  Emma is off and ready to roll, so we have to make it quick!  She is babbling a lot and on the verge of cutting a least I hope.  Her once chubby little cheeks are starting to thin out, and I cannot believe how much she is changing.  She is still happy as a clam, especially when her sister is entertaining her.  Grace can make Emma laugh better than anyone.  Her favorite things to say to her (and I have no idea why!) are "bagel bagel" and "xbox."  Instant laughter or shrieks from Emma, works every time.  I'm so glad we gave Emma the middle name of Joy, she lives up to it well!

Well, now that I took a few spare minutes to catch up, I fear my dinner may be getting cold.  How does that crazy mom of 19 kids and counting make it?!   Here are some pictures of our fun trip to the patch yesterday. 

1 comment:

  1. Precious comments, precious mommy and daddy and you all....Steph, can't wait until you write and publish books....I love your writing style. It has a special touch and makes me sad when it's over. You've got a gift, girl! Love, auntie sb
