Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First post of 2012....catching up, as usual!

The lack of consistent updates to my blog is a true testament to how very little time I have to myself!  So much to do, so little time.  The girls are keeping me very busy, that is for sure.  I never did finish my thankful blogs, and I feel awful about that.  Let me just say that I am thankful for a healthy and happy family.  Sounds like a cop-out, but it's true, enough said.  

Grace is 2 and a half going on 16.  She keeps me on my toes these days, and always keeps me laughing.  Her imaginary friend named Scott came about one day a couple weeks ago, along with an imaginary language that at times sounds somewhat Chinese, at others somewhat Spanish.  This is due, I'm sure, to the fact that we listen to and sing Small World pretty much daily, and Grace likes to "sing along" with the foreign language verses.  She is definitely creative and has an amazing imagination.  I love how she can entertain herself with so little for such a long time (like for instance walking around with a blanket trailing behind her saying, "Please don't step on my hair, I'm Rapunzel," or "I'm going to the department store then Jamba Juice, see you later," or having deep and meaningful conversations between her puppets and stuffed animals, all while dressed in Tinkerbell or princess attire).  Grace has recently reached a huge milestone as she is potty trained now!  Hooray for her!!  She is also captivated by women's lips and fingernails, as well as jewelry.  She loves to see lipstick and brightly polished nails, and loves them on her, too!  Grace is learning how to share with her sister, and as always, loves to help take care of and nurture Emma. 

 Emma, my little spitfire, has quite the little developing personality.  She loves to wave and say hi, as well as shake her head no.  She knows what she wants and is definitely a persistent, and at times, stubborn, little girl with a very loud voice (this will surely materialize into something fabulous such as a beautiful singing voice...right?!).  She is happy for the most part, except when those teething gums are driving her crazy.  Her favorite toy is her hairbrush, and she actually does brush her hair with it!  I think my favorite time of the day is when Emma decides to cuddle and gives kisses.  But, she's quick so I have to savor the short moments while they last, and then she is off and running (well, crawling quickly anyway!) to the next thing.  Other favorites of the moment are throwing and rolling balls, pushing cars and trucks, pulling herself up on anything she can reach, and playing in her sister's kitchen. 

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