Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away....

Ever read a really good book, so good that you don't want to read the last chapter because you don't want it to end?  Well, that's where I'm at today.  So, instead of putting off updating my blog (as usual), I am putting off completing my book, The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  I wish there was a sequel! Both girls are napping and I am enjoying the sunshine streaming in through the window.  When they wake up we will have to go to the park.  Next week we will be in Disneyland, and I am excited for a break from the weather and a chance to be outside in the sun.

Grace is looking forward to seeing Tinkerbell, all the princesses, and hanging out at the castle.  She loves her princesses, but Tinkerbell remains her favorite Disney character.  I can't wait to listen to her belt out Small World while we're on the ride, another favorite! Speaking of singing, the the other day while we were driving, Grace sang to me, "Amazing Grace, how sweet I am."  Sweet yes, vain....oh well.  I thought it was awesome when she interrupted herself and pointed at the sunset and said, "Look at that beautiful sunset God made for us."  Sweet, indeed. 

My other sweetie is growing leaps and bounds.  Most things make her happy and she loves to clap when we express joy.  In the last few days she has started to offer us bites of her food, so we are talking a lot about sharing.  She likes to shake her head no at us, too.  Annoying at times, but I suppose it's good for her to say how she feels.  She is doing well with signing hungry, more, all done, and i love you.  (Grace is trying to teach her the sign for cookie). Her top two teeth are coming in, just cutting through last night.  No fun.  We also have discovered Emma has a mild form of asthma as well as bronchomalaycia.  After seeing a pulomonoligist yesterday, she has now started multiple Inhalers to help her little lungs.  My hope is that she will get some relief from these meds and outgrow the conditions because the last few months of constant coughing and rattling chest sounds have not been fun either.

Well, I hear giggles and growls.....time to go get my little monsters out of bed!

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