I guess I will start by saying what a long and exhausting day this has been. Since Grace is working on the last of her molars, she has been very cranky and irritable, not sleeping well, and clingy to "mama" at all times (unless of course "daddy" is home, then he is always 1st choice!). To kill some time and expend some energy, I took her to the Supermall's play area, which Grace loves so much. It being a rainy Veteran's Day, there were a ton of rowdy school-aged kids running around, but Grace ran right along with them, climbing up on the toys, going down the slide on her own, and crawling through tunnels. We shared a pretzel and walked around the mall hand in hand (Grace loves to hold hands and it melts my heart every time she reaches up for mine). I couldn't believe the Christmas tree and Santa were already camped out in the corridor, but Grace was enchanted by the huge tree with shimmering lights and even waved to Santa. After heading home and sharing grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, it was finally bath time. I am so glad that after barely napping today, Grace went to bed almost an hour early without so much as a whimper, and I finally got to take a shower and sit down to relax.
I hope to update this at least weekly so that Grace, and anyone else that cares to follow along, will have a good idea of what is/was happening in her life and how exciting her growth and milestones have been, are, and will continue to be.
Love this first post!!!! You will absolutely love looking back on this down the road. It is almost another version of a baby book for me:)