Thursday, March 22, 2012

Emma's Almost One!

Where the heck did the time go?  A year ago, I was very large, very uncomfortable, and very over-due to have a baby.  Emma was taking her sweet time, and there was practically no sign that she would get the show on the road.  Well, once this girl makes up her mind, she is determined!  After finally going into labor, an hour and a half later start to finish (sorry to all you 48-hour laborers) I was holding my new baby girl with the sun streaming in the window at 8am March 25, 2011.  Fast forward a year, and I now realize the urgency, the chaos, the incredible rush of that day would be simply the sign of times to come.

I've gone through some pretty bittersweet feelings over the last couple of months as I watch my baby turn into a toddler, and my toddler into a little girl.  No matter how much these girls change, one thing that remains the same is their love for each other.  Please, God, let them always cherish that love!  Grace's little high pitched voice encouraging her sister to roll, crawl, walk melts my heart.  It's balanced out by the periodic, "Leave me alone, Emma, I'm not in the mood," or "I don't want Emma to get my....(insert practically anything)."  But, all in all, these girls make each other pretty happy, and that is a major blessing.

So, happy almost-birthday to my baby.  It's been an incredible year.  I love you to the moon and back.

Even on days like this :)

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