Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Days 14-22

14 - Old Movies - Kevin and I love watching old movies!  We watch a lot of Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart, as well as old Jack Lemmon films.  I think most movies today have become very simple, even boring sometimes, and I love the plotlines from back in the day.  Plus hair, makeup, and wardrobe was way more interesting back then.  And you often get a little bit of history mixed in with the flick!

15 - My cleaning lady - I used to think a stay at home mom should have no excuse for a messy house.  Surely if I don't go to work, I ought to have a spotless house and dinner on the table at the same time every night, right?  Wrong.  I can't do it all, and cleaning is one thing that I am glad to pass on to someone else!  This affords me more time to focus on being a mommy, as well as a little time to relax rather than clean when I actually have a free moment.  It took me a long time to accept that I can't be perfect at everything, and to justify having some help.  But, I am glad I did, and grateful for my cleaning lady!

16 - Down time - There is something to be said for playdates, Little Gym, MOPS, volunteering, etc.  But, really, I find that not only do my children get overwhelmed easily, so do I!  It is so nice to have some downtime during the week, a day or two just to stay home and veg.  We recently dropped Little Gym from our busy lives, and while I miss it already, I am grateful we are not in a mad rush to get out the door, work against Emma's naptime, and then hurry home to eat lunch and make sure Grace gets down for her nap.  Little Gym's schedule just wasn't working with ours, and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to Wednesdays being a little less stressful.  My kids are happy campers when they are not over-stimulated, as am I.  

17 - Good friends for Grace, good mommy friends for me - Grace is a very social little girl.  She loves playing with others, and we are blessed to have gotten to know some great friends her age.  I love the bond that has been created between us mommies, too, making playdates a fun time for me, as well!  Today "Friend Ship" came to play, and I love watching the interaction between Grace and Shipley, they are so cute and sweet to each other.  And of course, "Mommy Ship," also known as Jacquelynn, has become a dear friend to me, too. 

18 - New bed - Well, I am an insomniac with a toddler and an infant (need I say more...they wake up sometimes!) who has been sleeping in a defective bed.  Very bad combination!  Today I am thankful that Macy's measured and found our 2 year old bed to be a lemon and brought us a brand new one.  I am so thankful I can lay down in comfort tonight. 

19 - Helpful little hands - Grace really enjoys helping me with most things, but especially baking and cooking.  In fact, she about has a cow when I have made a meal without her.  I am thankful, though, for her interest in not only spending time with me, but taking on responsibilities and doing "grown up" chores.  Very cool!

20 - Sunshine - Well, it is November.  And a week of rain is in the forecast.  So, I am thankful for an opportunity to hang out at the park, wear my sunglasses, and make it into the store without getting drenched today. 

21 - Seeing compassion in my 2 year old - Today when we made our weekly visit to see the Alzheimer's patients, we took them some homemade pumpkin bread (that Grace, of course, helped bake).  She was so excited to pass out the napkins as I came along behind her and passed out bread slices.  As we were eating and visiting, one of the ladies came to the room a little late.  Grace put her own bread down, jumped up and grabbed a napkin and eagerly took it to her.  I wasn't moving quick enough, so Grace came and tugged at me and said "That lady needs bread, Momma."  I was so impressed that she walked away from her own bread (something she LOVES!) to take care of someone else's needs.  If that isn't compassion, I don't know what is. 

22 - Pediatrician and modern medicine! Well, after almost a month of not sleeping due to what I thought was Emma teething, I finally decided to take her to the doctor.  I had a hunch they were going to send me home without anything further they could do.  But, I also had a hunch something more may be wrong.  I am thankful I trusted my instinct to go, and thankful for a wonderful pediatrician who my girls just love.  A quick diagnosis of a double ear infection, a prescription for antibiotics, and we were on our way.  Here's to modern medicine! (And hopefully some sleep tonight!). 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankfulness Days 11-13

11.  Veteran's - Today being Veteran's Day makes it hard not to think about and feel gratitude toward the men and women serving, and who have served, our country.  Though I consider myself something of a pacifist, it is because we have freedom, for which these men and women have fought, that I get to believe and express my views on war.  While I love peace, I do as well love our veterans for serving our country and making it a free place to live.

12.  Toddler Talk - I love love love all the funny things Grace comes up with and says.  I appreciate her effort to talk clearly and to use her enormous vocabulary.  One of the things I am thankful for, though, is some of her struggles to form the right sounds at the right time.  It means she is still sort of a baby, and still has a lot to learn.  One of my favorite things right now is when she sings "Where is Thumbkin," only she can't quite say "thumbkin," so it comes out, "Where is Fukkin, where is fukkin, here I am...."  The first time she belted the song at the top of her lungs I about died from laughter.  She has no clue that she is not saying it correctly, or what that word means, and I love the innocence in that.  I also love the humor!

13.  Photographs - Just now, Kevin was scrolling through some old pictures on the computer.  We came across a trip we took to Yellowstone about eight years ago.  I love to look at our past and see how far we've come - obstacles we have encountered, triumphs we have celebrated, etc.  At the time of these pictures, we were not even thinking about marriage or what our long term future together looked like.  It was fun to think about how we were building a foundation to something we didn't even know would exist.  And years from now, we will look at pictures from today and reflect on where we came since then.  Pretty amazing the feelings and gratitude a simple photograph can create!
Yosemite, 2005

Disneyland, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Days of Thankfulness

I have been noticing so many people posting what they are thankful for on Facebook, and I decided to jump on the bandwagon.  I'm a few days behind, but I am prepared to make my list of 10!  Here goes....

1.  The sense of sight - Fall gives us the gift of beauty at almost every turn.  I am so thankful to be able to see beautiful sunsets peeking through dark clouds, bright leaves covering the sidewalk, and the autumn sun brightening up our afternoons.

2.  My health - I love that I am in good health and enjoy living an active, healthy lifestyle.  This is not only something I am thankful for for me, but that I am able to pass it on to my girls. 

3.  The opportunity to stay home with my babies - Some days I may not appreciate this as much as others, but I am a lucky duck that I get to watch them grow, learn, and enjoy each and every day.  I don't know how I would get through the day if I was constantly wondering what they were doing, if they were happy,  whether or not they ate their lunches or had good naps.  I get to see it all for myself and adjust our day accordingly.  This means the world to me and I believe really contributes to their happiness (of which there is plenty!).

4.  The terrible two's - Just when I think Grace is going to drive me to drink, I catch a small glimpse of temper tantrums and behavior problems from other children, for example in the pediatrician's waiting room, and realize I have nothing to complain about.  My child is no saint, but she is far from a terror.  Today I took the time to appreciate the fact that she is normal and going through all sorts of necessary behavioral, cognitive, and physical milestones.  Being two is tough work, and she is handling it like a champ!

5.  Good friends - The ones that have really stuck by me, and have cared for me no matter what.  I have friends who have supported me through all sorts of ups and downs at various seasons of life.  Since becoming a mom, my circle of friends has changed somewhat, but I am blessed to still have some truly wonderful friends in my life that aren't "mommy friends." They somehow understand my crazy schedule, my unavailability a lot of the time, and my need to always put my family first, and they still call me a girlfriend and are still there for me no matter what, even when I have to bail at the last second because I am sleep deprived or feeling like taking a shower to get out the door is too overwhelming.  For them I am so thankful.  And for all of my friends who are parents - the ones that I can share day to day kid struggles with, relate with and learn from on how to be a better mom or just how to make it through the day, I am truly thankful for them, as well.  I have made some amazing friends in motherhood!

6.  Drugs.  Not the bad kind.  Infant Tylenol, to help with teething and aches and pains from getting a shot - that kind!

7.  The Alzheimer's patients the girls and I visit every week.  For about the last year, I have been volunteering with them, and each week we are blessed to give them company, a little toddler entertainment, sometimes a homemade treat, and a lot of love.  They really give me a lot of perspective on how precious life is, as well as how important it is to give when and how you can.  It sometimes feels like a rather small gesture, but I know I am teaching my kids the beauty in giving of yourself.  For that 45 minutes each week, nothing is more important than bringing smiles to their aging faces, and nothing seems to do that better than a couple of cute little kids!  They don't seem to mind me either, :)

8.  My brothers - How cool is it that we grew up so spread out in age, yet call ourselves friends today?  I am so thankful for Danny and Brian, for the supporting and loving brothers that they are, as well as the outstanding uncles they have become.  Grace loves her uncles so much, and that is so special to me.  I love how Grace still calls Brian Uncle Bups, and tonight when she watched Sesame Street, the letter of the day was B....for Bups!  So, she immediately had to call him and tell him.  She was so disappointed to get his voicemail, but she will be happy to hear from him when he calls back - and he always does.  Danny and Grace have developed a connection through food, which only seems fitting given his culinary background.  Maybe it's his height (or as he claims, look at any picture and you will see for yourself...), but mention "big and strong" and Grace immediately starts talking about Uncle Danny.  So, he has been super helpful in talking to Grace over many lunchtime and dinner phone conversations about what he eats to make him big and strong....and wouldn't you know it, my child is now eating carrots, broccoli, chicken, and even brown rice.  Never thought this day would come.  At any rate, I cherish the relationship I have with my brothers as well as the one I see between my daughters and my brothers.  I love how much they love each other, and that my brothers have held and loved their nieces from day 1, and I can see in their eyes they wouldn't trade those precious moments with the girls for anything.  And I love that we always end our conversations with "I love you."

9.  The art of communication - I used to be awful at talking, I still am at times.  But, I love the evolution and safety that I have experienced and learned, mostly from my husband, over the last decade or so.  I do not always succeed at getting my point across in the most eloquent of ways, but I have learned that it is important to at least get my point across.  Lack of communication creates major barricades in any type of relationship, and I strive to keep those barricades out of my life.  I'm thankful that I have learned the importance of this. 

10.  My mom! How do I sum up all the ways I am thankful for my mom?  Well, it's just not possible, so I will say this:  She is a beautiful woman who gives to others with no expectations of anything in return.  She puts her family and her friends on a pedestal and lets them know how much she cherishes them.  Her granddaughters love her and never lose excitement over seeing their Nana.  My mom encourages me as a mom, is there for me as a friend, and is always available for me.  And for some reason, I just need to mention that she is an amazing cook! :)  I love my mom and all of the hard work she put in to raising us, and all the hard work she still puts in to being our mom!