Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010, a fabulous year and extraordinary decade!

As I sit here on the couch with the sunlight streaming in, all bundled up in a cozy blanket, I can't help but smile and feel grateful for the many blessings in my life. The graham cracker crumbs on the ottoman, barn animals tossed carelessly on the floor, pink race cars left on the entertainment system, and stuffed bears and dolls in every nook and cranny of the family room are an obvious reminder of the greatest blessing of all. But, this past decade has been extremely eventful for me, and I am glad to have a moment to appreciate all that has happened in the last 10 years.

I am lucky to have gotten sober, finished college, met the man I would eventually marry, and started my teaching career all within the first half of the decade. I then did get married on a cold and icy yet beautiful sunny day much like today, started and completed my master's degree, and had my first baby in the second half (thus beginning my current career of being a stay-at-home mommy). Wow! And along the way I have met many beautiful people who have become wonderful friends and positive assets in my life. I have also been able to strengthen and grow (and in many cases repair) existing relationships that were damaged or simply not strong enough for me, and am so fortunate to have grown so close to many family members that I either didn't know or didn't have close bonds with. True, there have been some emotional and devastating occurrences, but in the big scheme of things, I believe they were necessary and good for the long run. True happiness lies in the friendships and relationships I have with the many real and good people in my life. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who makes me laugh even when I'm irritated with him (who is also the best daddy ever) and is the most patient and understanding person I know, an outstanding woman whom I call Mom who has taught me the wonderful ways of motherhood and friendship and who is an incredible grandma, two amazing brothers (who double as amazing uncles) who are there for me through thick and thin (and vice versa), a mother in law who I enjoy spending time with and who is a wonderful grandma, and of course a little girl who brings me the greatest joy and love I never knew was possible. And my friends and extended family....each and every one of them brings something different and unique to my life, and I do not ever take that for granted. I cherish the relationships I am fortunate to have and love the time I get to spend with such incredible people.

How can life get any better?! Well, of course, 2011 will bring another little girl, which I am very excited about. As to the rest, well we shall just have to wait and see. There may be trials, there may be heartbreak, but there will undoubtedly be joy and love. Here's to a fabulous new year and decade ahead! Cheers!!

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