Friday, December 14, 2012

Life is Precious

There's nothing like a close encounter with peanuts to shed a little perspective on life.  Yesterday, a potential scare arose in Grace's preschool classroom.  A convenient time for AT&T to have an outage, my phone was not working and thus I was unreachable.  Following school procedure, 911 was called and paramedics arrived to monitor my sweet girl.  She did not in fact ingest or get exposed to any products containing peanuts, however this was not clear to me when Kevin finally got through to me on the phone.  "I just got off the phone with the paramedics and Grace is fine," were the first words out of his mouth.  There are no words to explain the emotions my mind and body experienced at that moment.  All I can tell you is I got to that preschool in record time.  When I ran through the door and saw Grace surrounded by paramedics and school staff, doing just fine, (I had to see it to believe it it's a mom thing), all was right with the world.

When I was listening to the news this morning as I was getting ready to make my weekly trip to Costco, I was overcome with anger, grief, and complete shock at the news of the shootings on the East Coast.  In an elementary school, no less.  Children are dead today.  Children who deserved a chance to play on the monkey bars, practice their times tables, and blurt out when their teacher asks them to raise their hands.  My heart aches for those poor families.

Life is so precious.  The little things don't always seem like they matter, but they do add up.  Hug your loved ones today, and tell them they are treasured.  Pray for them, and pray for families all around the world who are suffering the loss of their own loved ones.  Be thankful for the beautiful people God has blessed you with.