Thursday, July 19, 2012

Grace is three...going on 16!

Where does the time go?  Wasn't it just yesterday we were driving 30mph on the freeway as we brought our brand new baby home from the hospital?  Didn't she just learn how to toddle and babble?  Weren't we just snapping onesies and changing diapers?  I guess time has flown by.  My little Grace is three years old now.  No more toddling, it's walking and running for this girl (in sparkly pink shoes, of course).  Talking a mile a minute, unless she's singing (a princess song, no doubt).  Now Grace puts onesies on her dolls and helps change Emma's diapers (and wears only princess underwear herself).  We live and breathe princesses at our house.  Grace is typically dressed up in Cinderella clothes (or one of her fashionable friends), and pretty much always wears a crown.  She loves to have her fingers and toes painted, and had her first official mani and pedi with Nana and Gigi this past weekend.  Definitely a girly girl! 

What a fun time we had celebrating her 3rd birthday!  First we had a fun dinner party at Nana Carol's house. Both Gigis were there, as well as Uncle Bups, Uncle Danny and Mel.  

Because every princess loves a good carbo load, we had spaghetti!  Then we sat around and visited before digging in to the cake.  The cake....

When a certain three year old cutie patootie requests a princess castle, a certain mommy delivers!  I had soooooo much fun making this cake.  I'm pretty sure Grace loved it, too.  And it tasted pretty darn good, as well (thanks goes to Mrs. Betty Crocker!).  

And then there were the presents.  When in doubt, go for the girly stuff with this kid.  Tea sets, princess costumes, carriages and Cinderella dolls, princess backpack, princess blanket, frilly dresses, a magic mirror, princess "chopstick" for her beautiful lips, princess bubble bath, and princess books.  Did I mention princess stuff?  She was in heaven!

 Then came the real birthday.  We decided to forego a formal party for friends, but we wanted a low key, fun celebration.  A playdate at the park was perfect!  Cupcakes for a snack, lots of room to run around and play, and a chance for mommies to chat and have some grown up time.  Everybody was happy!

At the end of the day, Grace was a happy camper, and that's what matters most.  We are so blessed to have such a healthy, bright, and spunky little girl.  It's hard to believe in the fall she will be starting preschool, it seems like she should still be my little baby!