Saturday, September 24, 2011

One is Not Like the Other

I know it's not good to compare kids, but there are so many differences between Emma and Grace that I have been noticing lately, it's just too hard not to.  Neither is better than the other, and by no means do we play favorites.  But, there are just some unique things about them that I felt were worth remembering. 

Take eating, for example.  Feeding my babies has always been the biggest challenge of all, but for very different reasons.  When Grace was a baby, she had reflux so bad that she didn't want to eat because it just caused pain.  The doctor was constantly telling us to try to feed her more, and at 6 months, nursing had become so frustrating that we switched to formula.  To this day she eats like a bird, and is extremely picky!  Emma was born with a tongue problem that has resulted in her not being able to work well with a bottle, so nursing is the name of her game.  She has started solids and so far only dislikes peas.  I don't anticipate her being a picky eater.

While Emma is not fat or overweight, she definitely has baby chub in all the right places.  Full cheeks, a Buddha belly, and rolls on her thighs - all things that are cute when you're 6 months old!  Grace remains tall and lean, very lean.  We struggle to find pants that fit her because her waist is so small. 

Grace was never one to cuddle when she was a baby.  She has her clingy moments these days, and is never short on hugs or kisses.  But, the lovey moments are short-lived and she is usually on to the next thing.  I love when she wraps her little arms around me and squeezes me tight, it's the best!  Emma loves to be held and cuddled.  She likes her wiggle time, too, but never seems to try to get away when someone holds her.

Emma is very interested in grabbing things - objects, hair, glasses, noses, you name it.  Grace never really did this.  In fact I remember people telling me they were amazed that I could wear jewelry.  She never pulled on it!  Not a chance with Emma - those little hands are busy!

Grace and Emma are both pretty even-tempered.  They seem to adjust well to most situations and not many things upset them.  That is not to say that they are both quiet and soft-spoken.  Emma is hands-down the loudest baby I have ever heard in my life.  She screeches, squeals, and babbles at insane decibals.  All the while with a smile on her face - not always on mine at 6am, but such is life.  Grace, on the other hand, was a pretty quiet baby.  In fact she was pretty quiet overall until Emma came along.  Now she sings at the top of her lungs, squeals back in Emma's face (lovingly, of course), and talks over practically anyone having a conversation nearby.  I'm not sure if Emma encouraged Grace to find her voice or if this is typical two year old behavior.

Then there's the obvious appearance differences, too.  Grace is blonde with blue eyes (how did that happen?!) and Emma has brown hair with hazel eyes.  They both have a cute little nose and of course their mommy's big toe.  :)

One thing that remains the same with both girls is that they love each other.  Grace is able to make Emma smile and laugh in a way that no one else can.  Emma is able to turn Grace into a total cuddlebug as she showers her little sister with  hugs and kisses and love taps.  They make each other happy, and it almost seems as if life just wasn't complete until they had each other. 

Pumpkin Pancakes

Well, here it is, what seems like the end of summer in Washington.  Yes, I know, we are more than 24 hours into autumn, but the weather here was mostly warm and sunny today.  As I lay on the couch in a silent house, I here the soothing sound of raindrops starting to fall outside. Ahhhh...candles, pumpkins, hoodies, and boots here I come!

What a summer it was, though!  The girls and I had so much fun hanging out at various concerts, parks, and beaches.  We played with friends, visited the zoo, and picked lots of berries.  As a family, we went to Orcas Island twice, and Disneyland, too!  It seems that most of Grace's friends have summer birthdays, so we attended several parties, and singing happy birthday never seems to get old at our house.

Grace hasn't stopped talking about Disneyland since we got back.  She loved seeing Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and all their friends.  She enjoyed riding in the rocketships, boats (small world), and the choo choo train.  She loved singing zip a dee doo da and eating ice cream every day (yes, really!when in Disneyland...).  We were so lucky to have both Nanas there, and Grace even ran her first race, then Mommy ran a 5k and daddy and Nana Carol ran a half marathon.  It was awesome.  Emma did great on her first airplane trip, and she kicked back in the stroller like a champ at Disneyland.

Orcas Island was pretty awesome, too.  We did some walking in the woods, found some pretty waterfalls, went on some scenic drives, and of course rode the ferry.  Grace loves the ferry boat.  She also loves seeing a lot of deer and other wildlife.  She could play and run outside all day, and I love that.  Can't wait until she and Emma can chase each other around!

Emma is rolling over now.  She is eating solids - loves apples, pears, prunes, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  Not a fan of pureed peas, but really, who is?! She is always happy - seriously, she is!  She gets a little grumpy when she is super tired or super hungry, but even then she usually cracks a smile.  She's just so darn sweet.  And loud....she is very loud.  Maybe she is trying to compete for attention or something, I don't know, but the girl has definitely got a set of lungs! 

Now that fall has arrived, we are back at Little Gym every week, MOPS every other week, and of course volunteering at Tobey Jones once a week, as well.  This leaves a couple days open for us to veg out or hang with friends (and we typically hang with friends!).  Emma is working on a good napping routine, and Grace and I are working on spending some one-on-one time together and even doing a little homeschool preschooling.  So fun to watch her learn and become fascinated with the world! She loves to help me bake and cook, and tonight we made pumpkin pancakes for dinner.  I love how she pushes a chair right up to the counter, climbs up, and jumps right in.  Her favorite thing to do is crack the eggs....but she's not very good at it quite yet! She's good at licking the spoon, though.  Really good!

I constantly feel like I never have a chance to catch my breath, and wonder if I ever will.  But, I suppose that is what life is like with two little ones.  I'm so glad that I have been able to get back into running and working out, as that really helps relieve stress.  But I find very little time for myself, so quiet moments like this are definitely appreciated!  I love my family, and I love my me-time too!  I suppose I should probably get up and clean the griddle and mess in the kitchen...or maybe I will watch a chick flick and paint my toenails instead!  I think I'll go with the latter.

Until next time...