Thursday, May 19, 2011

A moment to breathe

It seems like I wake up each morning with a pretty good idea of the things I want to accomplish for the day.  More often than not, most of those things carry over to the next day, and the next, and so on.  Life with a baby and a toddler is a heck of a lot busier than I thought it would be!  I suppose we could stay home every day or run errands every day, and I may do everything on my list. But, how much fun would that be?!  And lately, with the sun calling our names, the park is much more inviting. 

Grace is at a stage where if we happen to just mention what we might do, it must happen NOW!  I have learned to keep my mouth shut about what is to come until we are actually ready to do it.  She is so curious and incredibly excited about all that she learns and does each day.  Her little brain is a sponge and I am amazed at the things she is learning how to do and say.  Aside from being a busy toddler, Grace is an amazing big sister.  She loves to help take care of Emma, gives her hugs and kisses, rocks her in her carrier or swing, and even tries to soothe her if she cries by saying "it's ok Emma," or asks, "are you hungry or sleepy?"  What a smart kiddo!  My favorite thing is when she sits down next to Emma and in a high-pitched voice says, "hi punkin."  She definitely copies what we do - and we have to be careful about what we say!! 

Emma is an amazing little girl.  She is growing leaps and bounds, eating great and sleeping well, too.  She loves her sister and is always smiling when she hears Grace's voice.  Her favorite place to be is on her jungle activity mat, looking up at the lights and butterflies.  She also loves to be cuddled and talked to.  We can't believe how big she has gotten already - such a difference from Grace!  Her hair is still dark and thick and so pretty.  I think her eyes will change, but so far they are still pretty blue. 

I rarely have an opportunity to sit and relax these days.  Today, both girls happened to fall asleep at the same time.  Hooray for naptime!!  Tomorrow, Nana Carolyn is flying up for a visit, and we are all looking forward to that.  Perhaps while she is here, I will have the opportunity to sit and catch up on some of the fun things we have done lately.  But for now, I must get back to reality - a certain little one is awake and ready to eat (again)!